Yo Kai Watch Wibble Wobble Y-Money Coins Cheats iOS Android

Yo Kai Watch Wibble Wobble Y-Money Coins Cheats iOS Android

I got only 2 Mysterious Orange from the Oni Crank-a-kai and nothing new came out which it's half chances befriending Oranyan M and to be added to the Medallium and Useful for the Score Attack Later if I get him in this two passes.And I didn't get the Showdown Pass,Befriend Last Nyanmurai and got U Robonyan due to the show up of Orcanos M which one way pass away from him.And next video,I will try to befriend Oranyan M in this 2 Orange Passes.

This is GoldenFoxy 16 saying as always Subscribe to my channel for more Wib Wob,PuniPuni videos or other games.Thanks for watching.